Right now I am watching futbol on TV...muy abborido (boring). So perfect time to write another blog. This was a pretty awesome weeknend here in Guazu Cora. Satuday was my host mom's mother's birthday, so we had a little party for her. The party started at around 11 when Carly (the volunteer who is staying with my host mom's mom) came to get me to let me know that it was time to kill the turkey. Now this turkey had been a much talked about subject among our family for weeks. Aurelia (host mom's mom) said it was going to be her present to herself to eat one of her fat turkeys. So all afternoon, Carly and I watched turkey prep. (note: vegetarians stop reading here and restart at the beginning of next paragraph). When I came over, we had just missed its acutal demise, and it was hanging upside down from a tree already dead. Next, Aurelia dunked it in boiling water and started plucking it. It took the better part of an hour to defeather the thing. Then she cut it apart, utilizing two different knives and then, when that didnt work, a two foot long hacksaw. It was quite the spectacle to watch. It went into a pot with tomatoes, onions, carrots and LOTS of garlic to cook all afternoon. Its amazing how disconnected we are from our food in the US. Since I've been here, I have watched the demise of two animals and I'm sure it wont be the last. I think I would be more than happy to be a vegetarian.
The actual party didnt start until late in the night (almost 10), and it was totally a family affair. 10-15 of the family came for dinner which consisted of the turkey with the sauce and rice (ricissimo!!!! --delicious in spanish), and the ever-present asado (this time beef ribs). The food was great and we got to drink a little beer and hang out with everybody. The only thing that gets awkward about family gatherings is that they pretty much ONLY speak guarani. So the only way we knew any of whats going on is that my host mom or her sister Daisy would translate for us. Guarani is SOOOO hard to understand. Every once and a while, I would pick out a word or two but its pretty few and far between at the moment. The party didnt go too long, we were all in bed by 11:30, full of beer and cake and yummy yummy pavo (turkey).
Today I got to sleep in til almost 10 which was awesome. Right after I woke up, another volunteer, Eric, came by to tell me that he and his dad were going to work on his garden and asked if we wanted to help/watch. I gladly accepted, since gardening in PY is definitely a skill I will need later in my site. Carly and I headed over to Eric's and learned to make tablones (raised beds) and how to spred compost. Very exciting (totally not joking...I'm really excited about gardening and teaching paraguayos how to grow and cook different veggies).
In the afternoon, my host sister asked me if I wanted to go to “the beach.” I gladly accepted because “the beach” around here is the Rio Paraguay and I've seen pictures and its gorgeous. I rode with Eric and his fam and my mom and host sisters followed in their moto. When we got to the beach it was really crowded but BEAUTIFUL...really rocky and full of tide pools. We sat on the rocks and drank terere with the families. It was really relaxing and we got to stay and watch the sunset before the mosquitoes chased us home. I definitely hadnt expected to go to the beach in a landlocked country but Paraguay continues to pleasantly surprise me.
Thats all for now, coming up will be highlights from our trip to the BIG CITY (Asuncion) on Tuesday! I love you and miss you alllll!!