Monday, February 7, 2011

First night in PY

I MADE IT!! A solid 15 hours later, I have officially made it from Miami to beautiful Asuncion, Paraguay. To my complete shock I was actually able to sleep for approximately 5 hours on the overnight flight from Miami to Montevideo, which is the reason I am able to be up past 10pm right now writing this blog. We only experienced minor delays and luggage loss (apparently 23 bags wouldn't fit on our flight from Montevideo to Asuncion, including one of mine, but they will be arriving tonight sometime to our host family's houses). Today was pretty chill after we got in. After all of the luggage was sorted out, we headed to a “retreat center” in Guarambare to eat and hang out. Real training starts tomorrow morning where I can hope to get vaccinated for all manner of sub tropical diseases that have it out for me and then we have our Spanish placement interviews. Next, we will be meeting our host families. For me, this is one of the scariest parts about training (besides the language of course). I am just petrified that I will say something or do something completely culturally inappropriate during the first five minutes that will make them think I am an insensitive doofus. I know I'm overreacting, but I haven't lived with a family (even my own!) for almost 5 years so it will take a bit of getting used to.

As I am writing this, I am scratching all over. I remember PC documents stating that Paraguay is not a malaria country. Wellllllllll that doesn't mean that it isnt chock full of mosquitoes and other bitey insects that want to suck my blood and keep me up itching all night. Blerg.

When I stepped off the plane in Asuncion, it was second nature to reach for my cell phone and start to call all of you guys to let you know that I've made it in safe. HOWEVER, my cell is now disconnected and I won't be able to use the internet until at least lunch time tomorrow. It is REALLY weird to be disconnected from the world, even for less than two days. Its so funny how reliant we are on technology.

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