Monday, February 7, 2011

This is my real life!!

This is my real life. I can barely believe it. I cant believe I am lucky enough to be on a plane right now to start my Peace Corps adventure in Paraguay. You guys don't even know how excited I am.

The last few days I was in Raleigh were awesome. I couldnt believe how many people came out to my going away dinner and how many people even just called me or txted me or facebooked me to tell me that they were excited for me and wish me luck. I have been kind of a wanderer my whole life, and I can honestly say that Raleigh has felt more like home for me than anywhere else I have ever lived. I am truly blessed to have such awesome friends and family and I will miss you all sooooo much while I am in Paraguay. Thank you all for supporting me even though you might think I'm a little nuts for doing this.

So right now, I am looking out my window on the ridiculously tiny plane to Miami (seriously, this is a little scary. Its only got three seats across and I cant stand up all the way in it. To top it off we were 20 minutes late getting off the ground because we needed more oil in our left engine. Good to know that I'm flying around in a tiny bucket of bolts lol) and I still can't believe that this is real. Even though I've been stalking other volunteers' blogs and reading up on Paraguay nonstop, I still don't think I really know what to expect. But for me, its kind of the fun part. I get to just get in there and make it happen all by myself and see what I can bring to the table to make people's lives better. I know its going to be incredibly difficult at times, but I have no doubt that this will be the most rewarding thing I've done so far.

The next few days are going to be crazy crazy. I'm getting into Miami around 4 today and then just hanging out with other volunteers until orientation starts tomorrow morning. I'm going to be going strong from 8am to 11pm when we get on our first plane that takes us to Uruguay. The flight is like 9 or 10 hours but its going to feel SOOOO much longer because its overnight and we also lose two hours on the way. I am not so happy about the whole overnight flight thing. I mean I know it allows us to now lose an entire day to travel, but you KNOW I am going to be way too jacked up on excitement to sleep at all on that plane. The next morning I fly to Paraguay and we start training. I think I will be able to have the interwebs again on Thursday so I will definitely try and give yall an update then and let you know how insanely hot and humid it is while you all are still freezing up here in winter-land. :)

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